Development of HomaBay County Land Information Management System at Habitat for Humanity International

Habitat for Humanity International, generally referred to as Habitat for Humanity or simply Habitat, is an international, non-governmental, and nonprofit organization, which was founded in 1976.


Development of HomaBay County Land Information Management System

  • Job TypeFull Time
  • QualificationBA/BSc/HND , MBA/MSc/MA
  • Experience7 - 10 years
  • LocationNairobi
  • Job FieldICT / Computer 

Purpose of this Document.

  • The purpose of this document is to outline the Terms of Reference for the implementation of an Integrated Land Information Management System for Homa Bay County. To enhance the management of Land Data and operations of the Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development in Homa Bay County.
  • A Land Information Management System (LIMS) is an end-to-end solution that provides powerful functionalities for capturing, consuming, visualizing, analyzing and disseminating spatial land information and data. LIMS offers a one stop interface for linking land location and dimensions with attributive details such as land ownership, valuation and rates. Moreover, it improves data collection, validation, enhanced analysis, and metrics, as well as performance evaluation and reporting.


  • The main objective of the assignment is to develop an integrated Land Information Management System for Homabay County that will facilitate digitization of land records, management of the data, streamlining of revenue collection, map-centric visualization, and analysis of revenue streams to support effective operation and management of Land processes in the County.

The specific objectives include:

  • Carry out a needs assessment to take inventory of existing state of land processes in Homabay County.
  • Develop a Geodatabase based on PostgreSQL and PostGIS spatial extension.
  • Digitize Survey Plans for 9 Towns in Homabay County and integrate point data representing data for land parcels that have not been mapped.
  • Integrate GIS data with attribute data from the County Valuation Roll.
  • Design, develop, customize and deploy a web-based Land Information Management System (LIMS) for Homa Bay County.
  • Design, develop, customize and deploy a custom android-based LIMS data collector app for Homa Bay County.
  • Design, develop, customize and deploy a Revenue Management System for Homa Bay County. The system should be integrated with the LIMS for ease of billing and land management.
  • Provide an interactive map visualization of land parcels, beacons, and scanned Survey Plans within the LIMS interface.
  • Provide cloud hosting for the developed LIMS using modern deployment techniques like containerization and load balancing for scalability.
  • Training and capacity building for 1st level ICT support and Use & Administration of the LIMS; and
  • Provide support on the maintenance and update of the system.

Scope of work

The scope of work for will involve the supply, implementation and maintenance of a Land Information Management System. This will include:

  • System Requirements Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of land management processes in the County, including data acquisition, data storage, data update, data security, personnel, IT Systems, data analysis, and reporting needs.
  • Geodatabase Development: Design and implement a robust Geodatabase, based on open-source Relational Database Management System like PostgreSQL, to store land data and the valuation roll, including spatial and attribute data.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Integrate the LIMS with a Revenue Management System.
  • Mapping and Data Migration: Map land data directly from the field and upload existing data onto the GIS platform, ensuring accurate spatial representation and attribute data migration from existing sources.
  • Digitization of Land Cadastres and Plans: Carry out digitization of existing hard copy land cadastres and plans for 9 towns in Homa Bay County. The digitization should be accurate and conducted in the Survey Plan’s defined coordinate system.
  • Online Map Visualization: The consultant should provide a web-based visualization of the digitized cadastral data overlaid with the scanned Survey Plans. The web-based must use the Coordinate Reference System provided in the Survey Plans. The maps should provide for visualization against varied base maps as well as thematic representation of the cadastral data.
  • Training and Capacity Building on 1st Level ICT support and the Use & Administration of the developed LIMS; and
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Offer ongoing technical support, system upgrades, and maintenance services to ensure the long-term functionality and reliability of the system.

Key Requirements

The LIMS should have the following minimum functionalities:

  • System Architecture: The system must have the following architectural components:
    • Geodatabase.
    • An Application Programming Interface.
    • A Map-centric Web Application; and
    • An Android Mobile Application.
  • Spatial Data Management: Ability to store, organize, and analyze spatial data related to land parcels, boundaries, valuation data, and other attributive information.
  • Data Integration: Capability to Manage the Land Registry and Integrate it with land billing data and revenue.
  • Land Data and Processes Management: Functionality to manage cadastral information including land ownership, property boundaries, land titles, land registration, and cadastral maps.
  • Workflow Automation: Automation of routine processes such as land parcel identification, land registration, land valuation and payment of land rates.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Reporting tools and analytical capabilities to generate insights, track performance, and support decision-making related to land management policies and strategies. The reports should be downloadable in various formats.
  • Interoperability: Ability to exchange data with other systems as required.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Support for mobile devices to facilitate field data collection, inspections, and data updates.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Scalable architecture that can accommodate growth in data volume and user base, as well as flexibility to adapt to changing requirements and technological advancements.
  • Data Accuracy and Quality Control: Mechanisms for data validation, quality control, and data updating to maintain accurate and up-to-date information within the system.
  • Public Access and Transparency: Provision of public access to certain land-related information while ensuring transparency and accountability in land management processes; and
  • User Access Control: Security measures to control access to sensitive land-related data and ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

Training and Capacity Building

In providing training the vendor will be expected to provide the following trainings to various users of the Land Information Management System:

  • 1st Level ICT Support: Provide an overview of the system architecture, the various components, deployment environment, database access, and deployment procedure.
  • System Orientation: Provide an overview of the system, its features, and functionalities. Familiarize users with the user interface, navigation, and basic system operations.
  • Spatial Analysis: For users who will perform spatial analysis tasks, provide training on the specific spatial analysis tools and techniques available in the system.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Provide training on generating reports and conducting data analysis within the system. Train users on creating custom reports, utilizing data visualization tools, and extracting meaningful insights from the system's data; and
  • Mobile Application Usage. Provide training on how to use the mobile app effectively including data collection and update.
  • Data Management: Train users on data management practices specific to the system, including data input, editing, and quality assurance.

Support and maintenance

The vendor will also be expected to support and maintain the solution. The support and maintenance activities should be well-documented, with clear processes and responsibilities outlined. This will include:

  • Help Desk and User Support: Provide a dedicated help desk or support team to address user inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide technical assistance. Offer multiple support channels such as email, phone, and online chat to accommodate different user preferences.
  • FAQs and Self Help: Maintain a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQs to address common user questions and provide self-help resources.
  • Software Updates and Patches: Regularly release software updates and patches to address bugs, security vulnerabilities, and enhance system performance.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Implement regular data backup procedures to protect against data loss due to hardware failures, software issues, or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • System Monitoring and Performance Optimization: Monitor the system's performance, including response times, data processing, and resource utilization.
  • User Training and Education: Provide ongoing training and educational resources to users to enhance their proficiency using the system, conduct refresher training sessions for existing users and provide training for new users as necessary.
  • System Integration and Interoperability: Ensure the system integrates seamlessly with other relevant systems, such as ERP, billing systems, and other systems as will be required through well-defined interfaces or APIs; and
  • User Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Encourage users to provide feedback on the system's functionality, usability, and suggested improvements.

Key Deliverables

  • Detailed analysis report of current land management processes.
    • Documentation of data acquisition, storage, update, security, personnel, IT systems, data analysis, and reporting needs.
  • Geodatabase Development
    • Storage solutions for land data and valuation rolls, including spatial and attribute data.
  • Integration of the LIMS with the existing Revenue Management System.
  • Mapping and Data Migration - Upload and migration of existing data to the GIS platform, ensuring accurate spatial and attribute data representation.
  • Digitization of Land Cadasters and Plans
    • Digitization of hard copy land cadasters and plans for 9 towns in Homa Bay County.
    • Online Map Visualization - Integration of scanned Survey Plans with the Coordinate Reference System provided, thematic and varied base map visualization.
  • Training and Capacity Building on 1st Level ICT support, Data Management, Spatial Analysis & Mobile application usage
  • Provision of technical support, system upgrades regular maintenance services to ensure long-term functionality and reliability.
  • Key System Functionalities - Implementation of a Geodatabase.
  • Support and Maintenance Services – Provision of regular software updates & patches and System monitoring and performance optimization.


The suitable Consultant/s must have the following:

Education Qualification:

  • Master’s degree in Geospatial Information Systems, Geoinformatics or relevant field such as Computer Science, Information Technology, Geography, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering or Surveying
  • Professional Certifications in GIS, Database Management, Project Management

Experience Requirements:

  • A minimum of 7-10 years of professional experience in GIS, database management, or land information management system
  • Proven experience in developing and implementing Land Information Management Systems (LIMS).
  • Experience with Geodatabase development, digitizing land records and integrating GIS data with attribute data from various sources.
  • Proficiency in GIS software and tools (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS)
  • Strong programming skills in relevant languages
  • Experience with web-based application development and mobile application development for field data collection.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage large-scale projects, including needs assessment, system design, development, and deployment.
  • Experience in training and capacity building for various levels of ICT support and system administration.
  • Experience in providing ongoing technical support, system upgrades, and maintenance.
  • Strong analytical skills for reporting and analysis within land management systems

Method of Application

The application is open to individual consultants or firms. Applicants must provide:

  • A proposal clearly showing the following:
    • Approach and methodology for meeting the objectives of this assignment.
    • Proposed Number of days it would take to complete this assignment.
    • Financial proposition showing all the expenses, inclusive of 5% withholding Tax.
  • A detailed CV and professional background relevant to the assignment

Firms are required to provide their company profile.

Applications should be submitted to:

The Procurement Officer

Habitat for Humanity Kenya,

CVS Plaza, Kasuku Lane, Nairobi, Kenya

Office: +254 717 454 380 • 020 2572812


Deadline: 14th June 2024


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