Treasurer (Volunteer) at Family for Every Child

Family for Every Child is dedicated to a vision of a world where every child can grow up in a permanent, safe and caring family, supported by temporary, quality alternative care where needed. 


Treasurer (Volunteer)

  • Job TypeFull Time
  • QualificationBA/BSc/HND
  • Experience
  • LocationNairobi
  • Job FieldFinance / Accounting / Audit  , Internships / Volunteering 

About the role

  • We are looking for a Treasurer with experience of working with not for profits in setting strategic financial direction and it would be desirable if they have experience in complying with the regulations of the Charity Commission for England and Wales or similar regulatory bodies.
  • You would be joining our board at an exciting time, as we implement our new strategy, build on our campaigns and broaden our advocacy to mobilise greater support and achieve change. In line with this, we have built our model on realistic income forecasts, we plan to maintain the net unrestricted funds available, we are building restricted funding streams to fund our thematic priorities, we continue to align income and expenditure on 6 month, 12
  • month and 18 month time horizons and we carefully manage the commitment of our remaining surplus reserves.

Responsibilities of the Treasurer
In addition to the general responsibilities of a trustee (see below), the responsibility of the Treasurer is to maintain an overview of the organisation's affairs, ensuring its financial viability and that the organisation has policies and systems in place to ensure robust financial planning, implementation and reporting. For example, by taking a lead role on behalf of the board in:

  • Reviewing budgets, accounts and financial statements, and recommending them to the Board for approval
  • Being assured that the financial resources of the organisation meet its present and future needs
  • Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate reserves policy
  • Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place
  • Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate investment policy
  • Ensuring that the accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by funders and the relevant statutory bodies
  • Ensuring that the accounts are scrutinised through external audits and internal reviews and that any recommendations are implemented
  • Keeping the Board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities
  • Making a formal presentation of the accounts at the General Meeting and drawing attention to important points in a coherent and easily understandable way
  • Chairing the Resource Mobilisation and Communications Committee (formerly the Finance and Human Resources Committee) and leading meetings three times a year
  • Ensuring that organisation has processes in place to meet any compliance requirements
  • Ensuring the organisation has a risk management process in place
  • Reviewing and signing financial transactions and other documentation that requires board approval
  • Family values mutual accountability and has a Responsibility Framework which outlines responsibilities and rights for board trustees, members and staff. The Treasurer has a key role in ensuring that mutual accountability is upheld in areas of finance by identifying and highlighting potential conflicts of loyalty..
  • General duties of a trustee of a Trustee of Family For Every Child
  • To ensure that Family for Every Child complies with its governing documents, UK charity law, UK company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations of a UK registered charity
  • To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its Articles of Association, and that it uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects
  • To ensure that the organisation operates within the parameters laid down by the members in the Governance Manual
  • To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets. In doing so, to ensure that the Board has taken account of input from the membership
  • To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation
  • To ensure the financial stability of the organisation
  • To monitor the performance of the Chief Executive Officer
  • To represent the organisation externally
  • To represent the board on relevant subsidiary entities

Person specification
We are looking for someone with the following experience and capability:
All trustees need to have the following:

  • Understanding, or commitment to acquire an understanding, of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trustees of a UK charity. Acceptance of these duties, responsibilities and liabilities, and a commitment to operate within them.
  • Good, independent judgement and the ability to operate at a strategic level.
  • An ability and willingness to work as a part of a team and to support the staff team.
  • Understanding and empathy with Family for Every Child’s vision, mission, values and beliefs.
  • In addition to the trustee person specification, the Treasurer needs to have:
  • Financial and business experience at a senior management or director level
  • An understanding of the charity sector, for example an appreciation of the operations, accounting (including SORP) and legal framework in the UK
  • Experience in complying with the regulations of the Charity Commission for England and Wales or a similar regulatory body
  • Significant experience of financial management and strategy
  • Some experience of charity fundraising is desirable
  • The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences.

Desirable, but not essential requirements:

  • experience of working with or on a board
  • a qualified member of a recognised accountancy body
  • Experience of both local and international not for profits.

Method of Application

Please email Suzana Goraj at  by 26 May 2024 and share your CV outlining relevant experience, a cover letter demonstrating how you meet the requirements of this role and any other relevant information.


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