TOR- Technical Assistance Support to HiH E.A Building Inclusive Resilient Enterprises (BIRE) Project at Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiH EA)

HiH EA is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Kenya with mandate to operate within the Eastern Africa Region and a member of the Hand in Hand Global Network. Her vision is to reduce poverty through enterprise development and job creation


TOR- Technical Assistance Support to HiH E.A Building Inclusive Resilient Enterprises (BIRE) Project

  • Job TypeFull Time
  • QualificationMBA/MSc/MA
  • Experience15 years
  • LocationNairobi
  • Job FieldConsultancy  , Project Management 

The specific responsibilities will be:

  • Together with the project management and in consultation with branch project managers and other longer-term TAs, identify and compile strategic needs for technical longer term and short-term support for the Project and develop specific ToRs for short term TAs;
  • Identify and contract suitable short-term TAs from the TA consortium pool to address the identified needs.
  • Perform quality control and quality assurance of short-term TAs’ advisory inputs based on specific assignments.
  • iSupport the planning, organization and follow-up action on resolution of bilateral review meetings Monitoring the implementation of the financing agreement between HiHEA and SIDA
  • Assessing the status of implementation of outcome and output objectives to ensure implementation remains on course
  • Support the review of all project documentation to ensure quality and validity of information to be shared
  • Deepen the knowledge on results planning and monitoring, evaluation and lesson learning
  • Function as a team leader for Technical Assistance support.
  • Participate in relevant events including workshops, field visits, reviews, evaluations, and other activities as required.

Professional qualifications

The TA Team Leader/QA must:

  • Hold at least a master’s degree in subjects relevant to enterprise development and have at least 15 years’ experience in fields related to rural development including environmental conservation.
  • Have broad managerial experience of coordinating a team of experts to undertake tasks in project cycle management
  • A wide knowledge and experience on the Kenyan economy and functioning of the administrative units and systems of the Kenya Government and non-governmental organizations.
  • Be fluent in English with excellent writing and verbal communication skills.
  • Have broad knowledge in all topical areas on SME development and particularly in areas where short-term TAs will be engaged
  • Candidates with the following merits shall have added advantage:
  • Are conversant with multidimensional approaches to poverty reduction, as well as good governance, as preconditions for development.
  • Are conversant and familiar with research methods for development
  • Have higher than average knowledge in project cycle management
  • iHave knowledge on advocacy and advisory talents and proven ability to work effectively with representatives of different groups in society such as communities, the private and civil society sectors and representatives of government and international organizations; and
  • Have proven experience working on similar assignments in the region.

Annex 3. Job description of the long term TA Business Development lead

  • The key responsibilities of the TA programme lead will be to provide
  • Technical capacity on the whole aspect of market systems development in the perspective of the financing partner of the project
  • Leverage on short-term TA to deepen capacity of project implementers on market systems dynamics.
  • Working with the project manager TA market system Lead’s input will be continuous for 5 days per month for the first two years and 2 days per month for reminder of the project period.

The specific responsibilities will be:

  • To provide technical support in business development within the project target sectors of waste management, agriculture and services with a focus on micro small enterprises.
  • Guide on the capacity needs assessment of all the beneficiary cohorts
  • Support and guide on the development of the key project implementation strategies and guidelines as may be determined during inception
  • Supported by short term TAs, enhance the capacity for the integration of cross-cutting issues of environment, gender and human rights in programming
  • iIdentify key technical needs within the project outcome areas with a view to mobilizing needed short-term TA to enhance the capacity of the implementers and where necessary the beneficiaries
  • Support the development of guidelines for the procurement of innovations/technologies
  • Support the customization of existing curriculum for the acceleration groups
  • Support the enhancement of capacity on the whole concept of aggregation among the project implementers and CBOs/cooperatives
  • Professional qualification
  • The Project Business Development Lead (PBL) must
  • Holds a master’s degree in development studies or equivalent and have at least 15 years working and managing development programmes

Has qualification and experience in digital systems

  • Has more than 10 years of programme advisory and management
  • Demonstrated capacity to lead in context specific application of Market Systems Development (MSD) approach
  • Have broad knowledge on rights based approach to development
  • Have broad knowledge on integration of environment in implementation of development programs
  • Has demonstrated experience promoting and building capacity of value chain development
  • Be fluent in English with excellent writing and verbal communication skills.
  • Have broad knowledge in all topical areas on SME development and particularly in areas where short-term TAs will be engaged
  • Candidates with the following merits shall have added advantage
  • Have proven knowledge on project appraisal and assessment
  • Have a track record of deepening knowledge among development agents and communities
  • Has practical experience of supporting and managing innovations
  • iHas working knowledge on SIDA supported interventions
  • Has known experience in project implementation negotiations

Annex 4. Team of Short-term Technical Assistance

  • The key responsibilities of the short-term technical assistance team will be to undertake short term tasks/assignments to be identified by project management and long-term TAs that require specific skills that would not be provided by the long term TAs.
  • The short-term TAs will work closely with theme leaders on agreed tasks and monitored by the TA Team Leader.

Specific responsibilities

  • Support the deepening of knowledge on assessed capacity needs among the project staff with particular focus on”
  • Market systems development,
  • Gender inclusivity,
  • Human rights and advocacy,
  • Business resilience to environment and climate change and
  • Digitization in project management and implementation.

Professional qualifications of the Team members

  • Master’s degree related to business development and at least 10 years’ experience in supporting development of enterprises
  • At least a master’s degree and 5 years’ experience in natural resource management
  • At least a degree in social science and 10 years’ experience in human rights in programming
  • A master’s degree in information and communication technology and at least 5 years’ experience in digital work in programming
  • Individuals who have experience working is such arrangements will have added advantage

Method of Application

  • Interested individuals or firms should submit the following:
  • A detailed proposal outlining the approach, methodology, and timeline for the assignment.
  • A financial proposal detailing the cost of services in KES.
  • CVs of key personnel highlighting relevant experience and examples of similar assignments undertaken.
  • The technical proposals summarizing the understanding of the TOR and details of how the Technician plans to execute the assignment and financial proposals detailing the related cost/consultant/day in each category be submitted via e-mail to: on or before March 10th 2025 for the Technical assistance job 

Electronic submission of EOIs will be made to by 10th March 2025 citing the reference number as the subject of the email. EOIs must arrive before the final submission date. EOIs that arrive late will not be accepted. for the communication strategy job


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